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Changes about Chinese Spring Festival Traditions | 你知道中国春节习俗有哪些变化吗?

Writer: Chinese ExplainedChinese Explained

Updated: Feb 4, 2023

2021年的除夕Spring Festival Eve是公历2月11号。你可能知道,在中国除夕是一家人团圆的日子(It’s a reunion time)。在这一天人们要做很多菜,要包饺子(making dumplings),要放鞭炮(lighting firecrakers),还要看春晚(watching Spring Festival Gala)。但你可能不知道,现在春节的习俗已经发生了很大的变化。你在唐人街或者汉语教材上看到的很多中国元素,不能完全展现当代中国春节的样子(A lot of Chinese elements you see in a China Town or in textbooks doesn’t really represent the Spring Festival in China today)。那些你以为中国人春节都做的事儿,有一些已经不像以前那么流行了,或者因为社会的发展而发生了变化。在这期节目中,我首先会给大家介绍一下春节习俗的变化,最后再教大家几个好用的拜年常用语。

[第一部分:放鞭炮 Lighting firecrackers]

首先要说的是放鞭炮(lighting firecrakers)。为什么在中国过年要放鞭炮呢?

有这样一个传说:从前有个怪兽特别可怕,每年农历的最后一天就会出来吃人,这个怪兽的名字就叫“年” (There is a legend: once upon a time, there was a monster, very frightening. It came out to eat people on the last day of the lunar calendar every year. It’s called “Nian”)。

人们发现这个怪兽怕声音、怕火光、怕红色,于是就想出了几个办法,其中之一就是放鞭(People found this monster was scared of sound, fire and color red, so they came up with several ways to scare it away. One of them was to light firecrackers)。

“年”听到啪啪响的鞭炮声很害怕,就逃走了。从此每年过年人们都会放鞭炮(”Nian" heard the crackling sound of firecrackers got very scared and fled. Since then, people light firecrackers every Spring Festival)。

我记得,我小的时候,家里每年过年都会买各种各样的鞭炮,还有烟花(fireworks),但家里人让我放的只有很小很小的鞭炮。我会拿着一根香(an incense),然后抓一把小鞭炮(then grabed a handful of small firecrakers),跟邻居小朋友在外面玩上很长时间。

那时候家家户户都买很多鞭炮,不管是城市还是农村,一到过年就噼里啪啦响个不停,但是最近几年,城市里的鞭炮声越来越少了,为什么呢?(Why does lighting firecrackers during Spring Festival is not as common as before?)

这是因为中国很多城市都出台了禁止在市区内燃放烟花爆竹的规定(Many cities in China have banned lighting fireworks and firecrackers in urban areas)。比如,北京五环以内禁止放烟花爆竹(Fireworks are banned within the Fifth Ring Road of Beijing)。

原因很简单,放烟花爆竹虽然是传统文化,有过年的气氛,但它们也带来了一些危害(Lighting fireworks and firecrackers is Chinese traditional culture,but it also has some downsides),比如污染空气(air pollution)、污染环境(environment pollution)、容易引起火灾(easy to cause a fire)、噪声很大(making a lot of noise)等等。

我个人认为,从环境和安全角度出发,这种禁令是有必要的(I personally think that it is necessary to have this regulation for the sake of environmental protection and safety)。我还记得曾经过年时,空气污染非常严重,几米外的人都看不清,空气中到处都是鞭炮燃烧后的味道。环卫工人第二天还要特别辛苦地清理地面上放完鞭炮留下的垃圾。所以我特别支持这个规定。(I still remember the old days of Spring Festival, the air pollution was so bad that people could not see clearly from a few meters away, and the smell of burning firecrackers filled the air. The sanitation workers have to work especially hard the next day to clean up the garbage left by firecrackers on the ground. So I'm very supportive of this rule.)


[第二部分:窗花和春联 Window flowers and Spring Festival couplets]

接下来要说的是窗花和春联window flowers and Spring Festival couplets。

如果你在过年的时候去唐人街玩,一定能看到有人卖各种用红纸剪成的漂亮图案。这些图案可以贴在窗户上做装饰,它们就叫窗花(If you go to a China Town during Spring Festival, I'm sure you'll see people selling all kinds of beautiful designs cut out of red paper. These patterns can be pasted on the windows as a decoration, and they are called window flowers )。 窗花上的图案表达了人们对美好生活的向往,比如健康、幸福、财富等等(The patterns of window flowers express people's wish for a better life, such as health, happiness, wealth and so on)。


但假如你现在来中国,会发现很少有人贴窗花了。我认为,这不是因为人们不喜欢窗花,它仍然是中国春节传统习俗的一部分,只不过人们的居住环境发生了变化,尤其城市里的人们都住在高高的楼房里,在窗户上贴窗花很麻烦,跟很多现代风格的装修不太搭(it doesn’t really go with the modern decoration),而且离得远又看不见。

讲到这里,大家可能在想,窗花不贴了,那春联呢?春联和“福”字大多数家庭还在贴,这两个习俗一直没有变。人们常常把对联和“福”字贴在自己家的大门上,而且常常把“福”字倒着贴,你知道为什么吗?(People often paste couplets and the Chinese character "fu" on the doors, and often put the Chinese character "fu" upside down. Do you know why?)

大家可以从字音的角度想一想,答案我会在instagram上揭晓(Think about it in terms of the pronunciation, and I'll tell you the answer on Instagram)。

[第三部分:春晚 Spring Festival Gala]

下面,我们来聊一聊春节联欢晚会,简称“春晚”,Spring Festival Gala。春晚的播出时间是除夕晚上八点,时长能达到4个多小时,一直到半夜十二点多,所以会有很多节目,比如歌曲、舞蹈、小品skit、相声Chinese standup comedy、杂技acrobatics、魔术magic show等等,这些节目通常都是表达人们对过去一年的总结回顾,以及对新一年的美好向往,还有对祖国和家乡的热爱 These shows usually express people's review of the past year, wish for the New Year, and love for their motherland and hometown。

以前,中国的娱乐方式不像现在这么多,所以人们都特别期待看春晚。In the past, there were not so many ways of entertainment in China as now, so people were looking forward to watching the Spring Festival Gala. 可随着社会的发展,人们对春晚的期待热度明显不如以前了But with the development of society, people's expectations for the Spring Festival Gala heat is obviously not as good as before。并不是说春晚的节目没有以前好了,而是人们看惯了漂亮的舞台,听惯了流行音乐,这些已经不再像从前那么稀有了It's not that the show is not as good as it used to be, but people are used to seeing splendid stages and listening to pop music, they are no longer as rare as they used to be。尤其加上互联网的普及,让新一代的中国人有了更多的选择。年轻人更愿意在难得的假期刷刷剧、刷刷微博、看看电影,或者跟朋友聊聊天、发发红包。

前面我们说了三个中国春节习俗的变化,你了解的中国春节习俗还有哪些呢?问问你的中国朋友或者在网上搜一下, 看看这些习俗是否也发生了变化。


[第四部分:拜年常用语 Spring Festival Greetings]

节目的最后,我教大家一些拜年的常用语,这些祝福的话一般与健康、家庭、工作和财富有关,比如“祝你身体健康、工作顺利、家庭幸福Wish you good health, success in your work and happiness in your family”或者“祝你和家人身体健康、万事如意Wish you and your family good health and all the best”。有时候,发拜年祝福还会用与中国生肖有关的词语。比如,今年是牛年,就可以说“祝你牛年大吉Good luck in the year of the ox”。


Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash


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